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新西兰大地震 2010年9月新西兰基督城发生一场7.1级大地震,结果奇迹般无人伤亡。当时Andrew Strom牧师有感动:众教会应举办一场公开的敬拜赞美聚会,将感谢荣耀归给神。这构想获得市议会、广播电台和音响公司的全力支持,但众教会牧师却反应冷淡,不愿参与。反而是世俗音乐团体后来联合办了一场免费的大型音乐会,吸引了两万人参加。 几个月后,2月22日基督城又发生一场6.3级大地震,这次死伤惨重,数百人葬身在瓦砾之中。当初反对在城市广场公开举办敬拜赞美活动的圣公会大教堂主任牧师,其一百多年历史的教堂尖塔,也在这次地震中被震垮(见上图)。 以下是Andrew Strom牧师在第二次大地震翌日所发的信,让我们看见神一方面是满有怜悯恩典,一方面也是轻慢不得的。当教会麻木懈怠,错过神所赐的良机时,所造成的亏损是何等巨大。从这些灾难,我们也更看见:主再来的脚步愈来愈迫近,我们是否预备好迎接新郎了呢? 基督城的可怕震撼 -- Andrew Strom 昨天我惊闻新西兰基督城发生了另一场大地震。两个月前我们才刚离开那座城市,其中我们有许多亲爱的友人。去年第一场地震中无人死亡,但这一次似乎死伤了许多人。 我想在此分享我们在基督城期间所遭遇的一些事,这些事使我在离开当地时,心里十分不安和担忧。但在分享的同时,我也得非常谨慎,以免引起误会,因为这次地震实在带来极大的伤痛。 你们有些人都知道,去年那场地震之后,我在基督城所希望做的主要工作之一,就是在该市筹办一场大型、公开的敬拜活动,为这7.1级大地震中竟然无人丧生,将荣耀赞美归给神。虽然基督城有成千上万的福音派基督徒,我发现并无人在筹画这类活动。我深深感到这事的重要性,就是我们必须为这无人丧生的神迹公开荣耀神。在这城市受创之际,显然一场抚慰人心的敬拜活动,对人会很有帮助,甚至许多非基督徒也可能参加。很可悲的是,竟没人要这么做,这令我感到不安。 过去我曾筹办过大型活动,所以基督教电台认识我,很快就同意免费宣传这场活动。音响器材公司也同意用极低的价格,提供绝佳的音响服务。基督城市议会也鼎力相助。一切看来都顺利,但接下来我们却遭遇到基督教领袖们的反对。 该市五旬节派的主要领袖之一告诉我说,他不会对此活动提供任何支持,我们可以把他排除在支持者之外。接着我亲自找基督城大教堂的主任牧师,他对我说,我们不能用基督城的主广场为众教会举办敬拜活动。(今天这人的大教堂倒在废墟中。它逃过了第一次大地震,却没躲过这一次。) 我又致电基督城的许多著名牧师和敬拜团队,说我们已经获得电台、市议会和音响公司的支持。结果毫无反应。敬拜团队没有兴趣,牧师们无人回电。(也许你会认为,地震后他们非常忙碌。但请记得:没人丧生,而且基督城在短短数周后,就可说完全恢复正常运作。) 我简直无法了解。基督城的福音派基督徒,竟然对神的保守不作任何公开表示--不为这场奇迹般的幸免公开敬拜神,不公开把荣耀归给耶稣。连世俗的新闻和政客都称这是一件「奇迹」,到处都是内心受到创伤的民众,我们不用大脑想都知道,该举办这活动。难道神在保护那么多人免受伤害之后,不值得众人公开赞美祂吗? 事实上,这道理清楚到用膝盖想就能明白,以致连不信主的人都决定要自己来。一些顶尖乐团和音乐家从新西兰各地来到基督城,在公园里为这受创的城市举办一场免费音乐会。电台为此大力宣传,结果吸引了两万人参加。当然,这是一场世俗的音乐会,不是基督教的。基督城的五旬节派、灵恩派和福音派基督徒,可说完全没有公开发声。 在教会没有提供一些起码的支持之下,我深感自己不能再勉强行事。最后我们设法为游民举办了几场户外演唱会,并参与发放一些「关怀包」,但我心里非常失望。事实上,我不仅失望,更是惊慌和深深不安。我甚至告诉一些朋友说,当神如此明显的拯救你们的城市之后,居然没人公开赞美神,这是「很危险的」。这是我强烈的感受,我也为基督身体的光景深深难过。但我不能再做甚么了。 2010年12月17日我们全家离开基督城,12月28日搭机飞往澳洲。相信要好一阵子之后,我们才会再回去。 我心系着基督城的人们,也心系着受到今日教会忽视的世人。这真是过去这些年来,我在教会圈子中所目睹「错失的最佳良机」之一。基督城是我所见过最美的城市之一,其中的人是我们所亲爱的。我的朋友啊!我们的思念和祷告与你们同在。愿神在这些黑暗的日子里,祝福并保护你们! Andrew Strom 敬上 AWFUL SHAKING in CHRISTCHURCH -by Andrew Strom It was with terrible sadness that I learned yesterday of another huge earthquake hitting the New Zealand city of Christchurch. It has only been 2 months since we left that city and we have many dear friends there. The first earthquake last year had no fatalities but this one looks to have many dead and injured. I want to share a few things about our time in Christchurch that left me quite disturbed and concerned when we left. But I want to be sensitive because of the terrible sadness associated with this new quake. As some of you know, one of the main things that I hoped to do in Christchurch after the first quake was to organize a large open worship event in the city - to praise and glorify God that nobody had been killed even in a huge 7.1 earthquake. I found that no such event was being planned, but there were thousands of evangelical Christians in Christchurch, and I felt very strongly that it was important for us to publicly glorify God for the miracle of surviving such a disaster with no-one killed. The place was traumatized and it was obvious that a sensitive Worship event would do much good - and even many non-Christians would likely attend. But sadly it was not to be. And this is the disturbing part. I have organized large events before, so the Christian Radio network knows me - and quickly agreed to promote the event for free. The PA sound people also agreed to supply excellent sound for a very low cost. And the Christchurch City Council couldn't have been more helpful. Everything was looking good. But then we ran up against the Christian leaders. One of the main "networking" Pentecostal leaders in the city told me that we could count him OUT of any support for the event. Then I spoke personally with the Dean of Christchurch Cathedral who told me that we could NOT use the main Square in Christchurch for a worship event for the whole Body. (Today this man's Cathedral lies in ruins. It had survived the first quake, but it did not survive this new one). I called a number of prominent pastors and worship bands around Christchurch. I said we had the support of Radio, the Council, the sound and everything. No response. Worship bands not interested. Pastors not returning calls. (You might think they were busy after the quake - but remember no-one died and Christchurch was up and running pretty fully after only a couple of weeks). I simply couldn't understand it. The evangelicals of Christchurch had made no public acknowledgement of God at all - no public worship for this miraculous escape - no public glorifying of Jesus. Even the secular News and the politicians were calling it a "miracle". People were traumatized everywhere. Wasn't it a "no-brainer" that we should be doing such a thing? Doesn't God deserve public praise after protecting so many people from harm? In fact, it was such a no-brainer that the secular people themselves decided to do something. A number of the top bands and musicians from New Zealand came down and gave a free concert in the park for the traumatized city. It was heavily advertised on Radio - and 20,000 people showed up. Of course it was a secular event - not Christian. The Pentecostals, Charismatics and Evangelicals of Christchurch had made virtually no public sound at all. I felt strongly that I could not push things any further without some basic support from the church. We managed to hold a couple of outdoor concerts for the homeless, and got involved with distributing "care packages" and things, but I was so disappointed. In fact I was more than disappointed - I was alarmed and deeply disturbed. I even told some friends that it was "dangerous" to offer no public praise after God has just so obviously saved your city. I felt so strongly about it - and deeply saddened for the state of the Body of Christ. But I could do nothing more. On December 17, 2010, my family departed from Christchurch. On December 28th we boarded a plane for Australia. I believe it may be some time before we ever return. My heart truly goes out to the people of Christchurch - and to all the world so poorly served by the church of our day. This was truly one of the worst "lost opportunities" that I have ever witnessed in all my years with the church. And Christchurch was truly one of the most beautiful cites I have ever seen. The people are so dear to us. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, my friends. May God bless and protect you all in these dark times. -Please comment on this article at the website below- http://www.johnthebaptisttv.com/ Yours with great sadness, Andrew Strom |