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异象:世界性的大动员 德国柏林 马图提斯牧师 (Joh Matutis) (这信息最初发布于2008年12月,即金融大海啸暴发之后数月) 今早我正祷告时,神让我看到一幕异象,那是一个世界性的「大动员」。我看见自己沿着海滩散步,突然听见巨大的轰隆声,愈来愈剧烈、震耳欲聋。那并不是海浪或狂风的声音,因为此时外界完全平静,海面宛如一片明镜。 这低沉的巨响就像山岭崩塌的响声,是我有生以来从未听过的,彷佛来自遥远的海洋彼岸。这声音愈来愈强烈,以致地开始震动摇撼。 这响声像是极低音的大喇叭,我从未听过这么低沉的低音,空气都为之震动。我面伏于地,缩在沙丘后,等着看这幅自然奇景的结果。 当这响声不仅没有止息的迹象,且愈来愈强烈时,我在异象中看见自己开始祷告。然后听见一个声音说:「我的孩子,不要怕。这是我的动员令,这是来自另一世界的信号。我正呼召我的百姓从万民中出来,我亲自摇撼大地与海洋,罪人和不信神者将因惧怕那即将发生的事而死。我的孩子,你要知道,这一切事已经被金融大海啸启动了,那只不过是这场毁灭的开端。今日社会的基础会受到猛烈的震撼,以致民众将失去他们毕生所赚的和积存的一切。 「每一项基础建设和福利制度都将一一崩溃,对许许多多人而言,日子将变得非常艰困。治安普遍失控,犯罪事件暴增,每个人的生命都受到严重威胁。但你这敬畏我名的人,我会拯救你免遭毁灭,我正伸出我保护的膀臂遮蔽你。」 虽然没有一丝微风,海面也没有一点波浪,但那轰隆声却如此巨大,以致我的心脏快承受不住,要停止跳动了。我心想:「我快死了。」主对我说:「我的孩子,别怕,你会活着继续宣扬我的作为。起来,回家告诉你所爱的人,让他们知道我儿子的再来已迫在眉睫,在门口了。我正在震动每样事物,以便带我的百姓回家。我正从他们身上剥除掉一切会扯他们后腿,或阻碍他们回家的东西。」 当我顺服神的声音,站起来准备走回家时,看见许多人趴在沙丘上,他们都是从家里跑出来,到这海边观看和体验这幕非凡的自然奇景。他们面伏于地,彷佛瘫痪一般,完全和我数分钟前的姿势一样。当我不顾那从远方持续传来的轰隆声,经过这些人面前往回走时,他们呼叫我说:「你疯了,在这种情况下你不能回家,太危险了!」然后他们把自己的头更深的埋在沙丘里,因为他们惧怕,不知接下来会发生甚么事,他们不想再听到或知道任何事。 主对我说:「我的孩子,对于你这敬畏我名的人,这是我的『动员日』;对于你,我那『救恩的日头』升起,借此招聚我的真儿女,使他们在一起。我儿,去,把这事告诉每一个你能接触到的人。」 我问主说:「我要告诉他们甚么呢?」主说:「告诉我的儿女,不要再被必朽的事物霸占,要更多花时间在不朽、永恒的事物上。要寻求我,学习我的话。当趁着还有时间,互相饶恕,彼此和睦。不要再嫉妒别人,不要再指责彼此,不要互相控告或猜疑,乃要做自己所当做和所能做的事。你要叫他们不要再忙于一切不必要的事,不要再动不动就急着争自己的权益。从现在起,我会保障你的权益,为你伸张公义。全世界即将发生巨大的变化,触及生活的每个层面。因此你要调整自己,要预备好。从现在起,没有一样事物会再和从前一样了…」 当我离海滩愈远,就愈听不见那轰隆声,虽然我知道那声音其实是愈来愈强烈。我感觉自己彷佛被保护在一个玻璃罩内。这时我听见主的声音说:「我会按我的方法,带我的儿女到安全之地。你会看见我在这世界上将做的每件事,这世界将经历所有『埃及的灾殃』,直到法老永远释放你们,直到我将我的儿女带回归我。我的子民啊!要团结在一起,彼此相顾,彼此鼓励。很快的,你将过关。」 这是我在异象中最后得到的话。当我思想所看到的这一切,并思想该怎么办时,主对我说:「你要将今早我所赐给你,有关我『大动员』的启示,传播给我的儿女们,并鼓励他们也这么做;因为我已在门口,我必速来。也要告诉他们,特别是对我的百姓,要趁着还有机会,认真的检视他们和我(神)之间的关系。」 Vision of a World-wide Mobilization -Pastor Joh Matutis (Dec. 2008, Berlin/Germany) While I was praying this morning, God gave me a vision. He showed me a great, world-wide "mobilization" I saw myself strolling along a beach. Suddenly, there sounded a loud boom, which became stronger and more massive. It was not the noise of the sea or of the wind. It was completely still outside. The sea water was as smooth as glass. The deep booming sound which was like the sound of the mountains about to cave in, a banging sound which I had up till now never heard in my whole life, came from the other side of the ocean, from far away. It became so strong and mighty, that the earth began to quake and shake. It sounded like the blasting of a deep bass trumpet. I had never heard this sort and depth of bass sound before now. The whole air vibrated. I holed myself up in the dunes of the embankment, face down, and waited to see what would come out of this natural spectacle. When the booming refused to stop, and instead became stronger, I saw myself begin to pray in the vision, and to speak with my God. Then I heard a voice saying, "my child, fear not. That is my mobilization call, a signal, from the other world. I am calling my people out from all peoples. I myself am shaking the earth and the sea. The sinners and godless will pass away for fear and the fearful expectation of the things which are to come. Understand, my child, that all these have been initiated by the financial crises. That was just the beginning of ruin. The foundation of today's society will be so shaken that the people will lose all that they have acquired, and saved up till now. Every infrastructure and welfare will collapse with time. Life will be very difficult for very many people. The general security will get out of control and there will be a proliferation of crime such that life on earth will be massively threatened. But you, who fear my name will I save from ruin. I am holding my arm of protection over you. Although not even a silent wind blew, and not even a small wave was seen on the sea, the booming was so mighty, that my heart threatened to stop beating. Then I thought to myself, "I will now also die". And then the Lord said to me, "my child, do not fear. You are to live and continue to declare my works. Arise, go home and tell your loved ones. Let them know that the coming of my son is very close at hand, at the doorstep. I am setting everything in motion in order to take my people home, and I am now stripping them of everything that is holding them back, or blocking them. As I stood up to obey God's voice, starting to make my way homewards, I saw very many people, lying in the dunes. They had come out from their houses, racing towards the sea to see and experience this extraordinary natural spectacle. They lay on their faces as if paralyzed, exactly as I had lain a few minutes before now. As I passed by them on my way home, despite the continuous distant booming sound, these people called to me saying "you are crazy; you cannot make it home in this situation. It is too dangerous". They then buried their heads even further in the dunes, because they feared what would happen next. They no longer wanted to hear or know of anything. And then said the Lord to me: "for you, my children, who fear my name, this is the day of my "mobilization". For you my "sun of salvation" arises, with which I gather my true children, and bring them together. Go, my son, and tell this to everyone you can reach". Then I asked the Lord "what shall I tell them?" "Tell my children, they are no longer to occupy themselves with perishable things, but rather, much more with the immortal, the eternal things. They are to seek me and study my word. They should forgive one another, so long as there is still time, and make peace with one another. They should stop being envious of, and pointing fingers at one another. They should neither accuse nor suspect one another. Everyone should do what he is supposed to, and can do. Tell them to free themselves of every unnecessary thing, and to stop fighting spasmodically (intermittently) for their rights. From now on, I will ensure your rights, and provide for justice for you. Great changes are about to occur all over the world, in every area of life. Adjust yourselves therefore and be prepared. Nothing is going to be as it has been before now..." The further I moved away from the beach, the less of the booming sound I heard, even though I was of the opinion that the sound had become stronger and even more massive. I felt as if I had been secured in a glass case. Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying "I will bring my children into safety in my own way. You will see everything I will do in the world, which will experience all the "plagues of Egypt " before I withdraw my children unto myself, before Pharaoh releases you forever. My people hold together! Stay with one another, encourage one another. Soon, you would have made it!" That was the last thing I took with me from this vision. As I thought about all that I had seen, and what I should do with it, the Lord spoke to me saying "spread this revelation I have given you this morning about my "mobilization" overall further to my children, and encourage them to do likewise, for I am at the door (I am coming soon). And tell them, especially my people, that they should be serious about their relationship with Me (God), before it is too late...." |